My Other Pages

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Justin's Spinning Desk Organiser

G'day everyone!

Well, it is FINALLY finished! this one had me second guessing myself so many times it was getting so frustrating. I would say time and time again that I would put it away for a few days and come back to it with a fresh mindset. Well, that didn't work for long as it kept eating away at me that I was 'losing' it!

Many of you who know me, know that I 'love' working out measurements for things I'm making, heck I measure EVERYTHING lol. So when things were NOT fitting into their spaces I was shaking my head and wondering what the heck I was doing! This rarely happens to me, so I'm of the opinion that my mind is starting to feel the effects of old age OR I really need to get back out into the workforce! I'm hoping it's the latter lol!

Having three grandsons you would think I would have had some paper suitable for boys that would be perfect - WRONG! What I did find (and might I say it was the PERFECT choice) was a complete paper pad of Le Cirque by Graphic 45. Justin LOVES the circus, so it just had to be!

Anyway, I finally finished Justin's "spinner" and while I did film most of the making of it I'm not sure whether I will try and edit all those videos and upload to YouTube or whether I should just put up a 'bloopers' video of it - the verdict is still out on that one, but will let you all know.

I have put a slideshow together and uploaded it to YouTube to show you up close how it all looks, until I decide on a start-to-finish video. Below is the slideshow and beneath that is the video of Justin's reaction to seeing his "spinner" for the first time.


  1. It's lovely Jenny, and the smiles of a child are so beautiful!!!,

    1. Hi Jasmine
      Yes, the smile of a child is so awesome! Thanks :)

  2. adorable work! looks like he loved it

    1. He sure does love it! He started Kindergarten this year so it was the perfect item to put on his desk and the perfect timing :)

  3. I got a big smile just seeing how happy he was. Awesome.
