My Other Pages

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Amelia's Spinning Desktop Organiser

After Amelia saw my spinning Stickles Storage Unit she asked if I could make her one, so I set about making a "spinning" organiser for her desk.

I am currently editing the videos I filmed whilst making the spinner and will have a link to YouTube videos (yes, there will be multiple parts) here soon, but for now you can watch Miss Amelia's reaction upon receiving her "spinner" here.


  1. Wow - that's a terrific organiser Jen. Great work.
    Beryl xx

  2. She is so adorable! And her brother is too! Love the organizer and I'll have to make one for my granddaughters (2) too!

  3. Love your spinner organiser!!!!!

  4. Amelia's reaction is so precious, poor Justin Nanna, you will have to make him one too!!!
