My Other Pages

Monday, January 19, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

It's been a while since I last blogged, the silly season sure does take its toll on me! Anyway I'm back!

A while back my middle daughter, Shasz, made a deal with me that she would stop drinking if I quit smoking. That was back in June 2014. Shasz quit drinking for 4 months but I was to start the process of quitting smoking in December 2014. So I stuck to my end of the bargain and began the Champix program on 15 December 2014. You can smoke up to the first 2 weeks of taking the Champix but I went over that. It was probably on day 18 that I had almost a full packet of cigarettes so I decided that this was not going to happen if I didn't stop smoking. So I began to smoke the remaining cigarettes almost chain smoking until I couldn't smoke any more! I think there were about 6 cigarettes remaining. I scrunched them up and threw them in the bin!

Well I started off so good! I think I went 10 or 11 days without smoking a single cigarette! It was not easy, don't let anyone ever tell you it is easy. This would have to be the hardest thing I have ever done in my life! I started smoking when I was 15 and I will be 55 this year, so almost 40 years of smoking, most of which I smoked the highest strength (16mg).

Then I don't know what prompted me to do it but I lit up and had a few cigarettes. I continued to have anywhere from one to three cigarettes a day until yesterday. I told myself I was weak and pathetic if I couldn't do this. I talk myself out of having a cigarette on a minute by minute basis at the moment. It's constantly in my mind! I need to keep busy and put my mind to better use than thinking about smoking all the time. I can do this, I will do this!

So since I decided to quit smoking before the New Year I made a resolution I think I can keep LOL. I have decided I am going to try to blog more and I will need to as I also promised myself to upload a video to YouTube each week for the entire year - yes that's correct, 52 videos - at least!

Stay tuned as I update my progress along the way.



  1. Good for you Jen!!! My hubby quit years ago and I followed a year or so later. My youngest son was the worst smoker I have ever seen!!! He quit in this summer. I'll tell you this! Get the e-cigarette!!!

    You can get with or without nicotine. If you get nicotine, you can choose the strength and cut back later. Getting it without, you get the same feeling as smoking, it's just vapor. If you puff too much, the cig shuts off. You have to keep the batteries charged. Some work better than others. I can tell son got so fed up with those batteries, he just stopped. He didn't have a problem.

    I think the nicotine had left his system, he just needed to break the habit of needing busy hands!!! I'm so glad he quit. They have a new baby and it's just the worst for a baby to smell like cigarettes!!! His achilles was smoking in the car. He lit up before he backed out the driveway!!!

    You may not feel they help in the beginning, but they do. You can even smoke in the house, no smell, no fire, no smoke!!! He used BluCigs. Here you can now buy them in store and gas stations. Good Luck!!!

    1. Hi Donna :)
      You seem to have hit the nail on the hammer with how I am feeling at the moment. For me too it is the inhaling that I am missing, along with what to do with the time I used to waste smoking!
      I would love to do the e-cigarettes but don't know much about what we have available to us here. I will talk to my doctor when I see him on Friday about the e-cigarettes again. We discussed it before and he said he does NOT recommend them, that there are worse chemicals in them than cigarettes. I don't think it's the nicotine withdrawals that I'm missing as much as the inhaling. So if we have e-cigarettes with no nicotine I will definitely try them, although I cannot find the BluCigs from a google search here but THANK YOU!

  2. Hi Beth :)
    Thanks so much. I didn't know there were so many ex-smokers here! It does help that I've put it out there and hopefully it will keep me honest and continuing to beat this awful habit.
    Thanks again Beth :)

  3. Congratulations Jen...I know you can do this...because I did too 5 years ago, and like you I had smoked since I was 15, quitting finally at age 51. I do use a personal vape pen when I want to enjoy it, but the cigs have been gone for 5 years and I am happy I did it.....because I tried to many time without success and never thought I could. If I can, you can for sure. I have missed seeing you around Facebook but have finally finished my time capsule Hang in there will be so glad that you did. I will be checking in on you and will keep you in my thoughts that you too will succeed. ((((HUGS))) Carol...aka Renee618 from Ustream!

    1. Hi Carol!
      It's so good to hear all these success stories, it gives me hope that I can do this too!
      Oh and yay that you could make the time capsule trunk :) Please send me a photo of it, I would love to see it!!! My email is
      Thans again Carol
