My Other Pages

Friday, April 29, 2011

Art Journal - Page 18

I started this page in my journal during Dede's (inkwell) stream tonight, then finished it off during my own stream, thanks to the gals who joined me :)

I started recording for a youtube video, but forgot to record while streaming, sorry. So here's a few pics of the page I was creating.

Some close-up shots


  1. Luv this journal Jen I would like to start one but too much else to do right now!

  2. @Deni
    Hi Deni :)
    I know what you mean about not much time to do everything, but when I don't feel like scrapping I get out my journal and play. I've been working in the same art journal for months and months and it still doesn't look like it's going to be completed any time soon - that's the beauty of it - you don't have to finish the entire journal in any given time frame :)
