My Other Pages

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Art Journal - Page #97

Hi everyone!

I bet you can't believe I am posting so soon after my previous post! Neither can I LOL.

I've been playing in my art journal a lot lately and I seem to forget to add the photos to my blog, so here I go!

I host an Art Journal Techniques group over on FaceBook and one of the most recent techniques we have been playing around with is Collage. This is not my forte I'm afraid LOL. So I thought the best way to ease myself into it was to play around with napkins trying to create scenes. This is what I did in this journal page.

You can view the YouTube video on how I created it here:

Art Journal - Page 97

Here are some photos of the page

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Dylusions Journal Page #5

So....we finally have our dear friend Eileen back with us and boy did we need her back! I couldn't stream without her because she's the one and only who can really push me to my limits.
And today was no different LOL

Today I was 'told' by Eileen to close my eyes and grab three tubes of paint. Well...I 'chose' burnt umber, deep turqoise and pale powder blue (which really looked like a pale lilac). That said I could also use white and black paint.

So we got the background down ok, then I couldn't work out what to do I just covered the entire page with black paint, then wiped some off and went from there.

Eileen said it reminded her of outer space, so I googled 'alien clipart' and came up with an alien saying hi with its fingers and thought HERE'S MY TITLE! "She's back", referring to our Eileen :)

I did record the stream and here are the links to part 1 and 2:

Dylusions Journal Page #5 - Part 1

Dylusions Journal Page #5 - Part 2

So for all you art journallers out there who are looking for new techniques, inspiration, or just plain old art journal fun, why not check out our Art Journal Techniques Facebook Group. We have links to videos, members posting their completed pages, hints, tips and much more! Come and join us here

Art Journal Techniqes - Facebook Group

It is a closed group so you will need to request to join. It's closed just to keep the spam to a minimal.

Thanks for stopping by!